***Giveaway CLOSED*** Congratulations to our winners: Rikki and Sarah!! Hope you enjoy your melts as much as we do. 

I’m kind of on a roll with the beautiful theme. Eat beautifully, dress beautifully, decorate beautifully, live beautifully. To add to that, I’ve really been wanting my house to smell beautifully. But you know what? I’m sensitive to a lot of things (I know, I know, some of you are saying “we already knew that”). One of those things happens to be scented anything. I even have to be careful with my shampoo! Who knew back when I was picking which flowery herbal essences product I was going to slather over my adolescent head, that I wouldn’t even be able to use most shampoos in a few (okay, more than a few) years. But, they give me headaches.

I’m always looking for alternatives to scented candles because I love the way they smell, my head just doesn’t appreciate it so much. That’s when I heard about MixieMelts, a home based small company specializing in soy melts made with essential and fragrance oils. Why soy melts? Soy burns cleaner and emits less carbon monoxide. There are a whole hosts of reasons that I’m sure someone else has blogged about somewhere on the great interweb but, for now I’ll just say it sounds like they don’t increase our chances of cancer quite as much as paraffin and I’m excited about that!

Another problem with conventional melts is that I have no idea what goes in them. When I buy a scents or yankee candle traditional wax melt or even a burt’s bees soy melt, it doesn’t list the ingredients so I have no idea what’s going to happen next (probably a headache). When I buy from MixieMelts, I can ask Robin, owner and creator, what exactly is in each scent and avoid things I know don’t work for me. In fact, when we were talking about what scents I wanted to try, I mentioned that right then I was having a hard time smelling anything. So, she whipped up my own special Eucalyptus Mint scent to help with that (it’s the beautiful green one and help it does!).

Here’s the thing. These smell fantastic and last for days. You want to know what they don’t do? Hurt my head. And, for someone who is prone to headaches, that’s a big deal.

Now, for the best part- your house can smell beautifully too because right here, right now, we’re giving away the January box of melts (a $25 value) for one lucky reader. Head over to MixieMelts on Facebook and like their page. Then, visit their page and Mommy in Flats and comment shared on the giveaway links posted here and here (1 entry each for commenting and sharing per page) and then comment on this post for 3 extra entries. Stay tuned to both pages for extra ways to enter before the contest ends next Tuesday. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor!

(Must have liked both Mixie Melts and Mommy in Flats on Facebook to be entered into the contest.)


  1. They sound amazing! I’ve liked both pages, requested to join their group and shared both posts ❤️

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