Hello there reader-land. It has been quite a while huh? I keep meaning to write posts about things that are going on in life but I start and then I stop and I never come back to it. Such is the struggle of a busy mom, a sometimes writer, and a half motivated blogger (as of late anyway). But, I have spring shoes to share and shoes never need much of an introduction so I think I can manage.

This year, I’m kicking it off (quite pun-ily in fact) with Jambu footwear. They are my go to for anything waterproof from spring showers to winter snow storms and back again. They get me through days by the pool or in the river. Hikes, puddles, amusement parks, Jambu’s got my feet covered and comfy. I love their casual vibes and their dressed up wedges. I also love their prices but you can check those out for yourself (and use code MIF22 for 20% off).

I’m over here waiting for spring to show up (Sun, where are you?). Can you believe it had the nerve to snow here in Virginia? Doesn’t Mother Nature know it’s almost April and this is technically the south (unless you’re talking to a Northern Virginian anyway). Until then, I’m living in my comfy sneaks and slides, biding my time to show off my toes in all the pretty sandals.