Or so we thought. We planned to shoot these pictures sans kids on our way out to date night. But, plans changed (as they so often do when you have four children) so we took a raincheck on the date but I already had a photoshoot in mind and the show must go on. The kiddos picked a DVD and we drove over to take a few quick shots by a local hotel. Their reward? A little wading in the river with mama (daddy wasn’t so interested in that part of the revised plan- he made us all take immediate showers upon our return home). 

Here we are at our last day of the 5×5 challenge (missed the intro? Here is is!). It was a lot of fun. I’m going to do a wrap up later on so I’ll just give you the low down on outfit number 5. 

Look 5 Wardrobe Pieces: 

Dress: c/o Gozon

Shoes: Earth

Bag: Thrifted

Watch: Jord (Have you entered our giveaway yet? If not, click here for your chance at a $100 shopping spree– it’s quick and easy and all you need is your email address. Good luck!) 

Why I picked this: This was actually the first outfit I picked for my 5×5 (I know I’m doing it all backwards- what can I say?). I knew I wanted to do something elegant and maybe a little unexpected with this one. This dress is called “the casual maxi”- how funny because my first instinct is to dress it up. My first look in the rain was somewhere in the middle of casual and chic with the brown leather belt and pop of yellow shoes. The look for baby Hey J’s birthday was my first really casual go of this dress and I have to say, it was a perfect fit- style and all. But, add a sparkly belt and these chic red shoes and an updo and you have a look for a night out. 

What worked about this outfit: The drape. Adding a belt brings the hem line up slightly (for me, since I’m short) while keeping the elegant curve of the back. 

How I felt: Classic. There is nothing quite as timeless as a long black dress and a red lip. Maybe a little overdressed for a night in on the Shenandoah but I never need much of an excuse to play dress up.

Confession time, I did not wear this dress all day or even to mass in the morning as I normally would a blog outfit. My plan was to change and then go out with the husband. For me capsuling (even a mini one) isn’t about rules. It’s about mindfulness and fun. Figuring out how many ways you can wear one piece but give it a different spin every time so it’s never boring. 

This outfit actually may have been my least favorite. It was humid so the minute I walked outside my hair fell flat. I was feeling a little sad that afternoon and just wasn’t grooving with the pictures. I know that’s not exciting or what you want to hear, but it’s truth. Sometimes it’s nice to know that we all struggle. Some struggles are just more outwardly visible and some you internalize and smile through. And, maybe refusing to focus on the negative, made it just a little bit easier to get through and carry on. There’s nothing like prayer, meditation, and a fabulous red lip to turn that frown upside down. 

What did you think about my 5×5? How about my picks? What would you have done differently? And most importantly, are you feeling inspired to try one of your own? 

Check out all my looks and follow along on Instagram with the hashtag #5x5summerchallenge – coming soon- my bonus look and 5×5 wrap up. 

Dress: c/o Gozon

Shoes: Earth

Watch: c/o Jord Watches (missed it earlier? ENTER the super easy Giveaway


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