I’m a day late but not a shirt short! Yesterday was a whirlwind of activities but I’m playing catch up today so without further ado…

We received a lot of awesome entries on Instagram so let’s talk about what the face of Motherhood looks like on you:

First and foremost: exhaustion. So many of the instamamas responded with tired. And, boy can I relate. 

Theswirlybabe: “completely drained and about 4 days overdue for a shower.”

We hear ya mama! But, try to get that me time in even if it’s just a hot shower with Dora playing in the background! 

Toddler.alexis: “on me, Motherhood looks like a reassuring or sympathetic smile. Reassuring for the mums who need it and sympathetic because we’ve been there. Either with a crying newborn or a screaming toddler.”

What a beautiful thought- we all need empathy and who better to give it than another mom who has also walked a mile in spit up and dirty diapers.

Suzanngela: “The face of Motherhood is the smile when you want to cry and the tears when you can’t contain the joy. It’s recognizing all of your best and worst qualities reflected back to you. It’s the highest highs and the lowest lows and you just have to keep riding that wave.” 

Beautiful words Suzanne. I couldn’t have said it better! 

Missmazariegos: “Most days for me it looks like a milk stained/babyfood smelling t-shirt, pajamas, messy hair deep breaths, taking advantage of the 1 minute I have in the bathroom to myself. But everyday looks like love and kisses.”

Those kisses sure make up for the rest. 

Head over to Instagram to check out the rest of the great responses to our The face of Motherhood Contest.

The winner of our Instagram contest for the “I am the face of Motherhood” is Instagram user “Ashleighelder13.” 

“Morning and afternoon face ???”

I love the use of emojis and believe me we can all relate to waking up ready to do this and putting the kids to bed ready to do that too! 

Thank you so much for your participation! You have 24 hours to claim your prize! Please take a look at the options and choose a t-shirt (excludes sweatshirt only): I am the Face of Motherhood a size and color and email me at [email protected] with your shipping information. Congratulations and thank you for helping us spread awareness and end the stigma!!