Last fall, I had some health concerns right before I found out I was expecting baby Hey J. I lost some weight when I cut gluten out of my diet. Soon after, I found out I was eating for two and tried reintroducing gluten (which ultimately didn’t work for me). Long story short, I didn’t gain anywhere near my normal 35 pounds and after having my sweet one, I quickly grew out of all of my prepregnancy clothes (totally in the opposite direction as usual- but I’ll be honest I don’t really recommend that route). So, here I was with a bitty baby and a new found love of comfy clothes but nothing that fit. Who did I turn to but the clothing store I had frequented for most of my life. Heck, I even did a stint working for American Eagle in high school (but, I’ll be honest that was mostly for the discount- the management wasn’t spectacular).

However, last Friday, they did something that made it impossible for me to continue to promote their brand. I do not want to get all political on this blog so I’m not going to. However, I am going to say, they supported a march that had one agenda; that excluded a whole group of women. It was lude, crude, and from some of the speakers’ comments bordering on terrorism. The “We All Can” campaign that American Eagle launched last fall, promotes an idea of inclusivity and equality. Their slogans include “be you” and “You can do anything.” They sure sound nice. But, what they seem to mean is “be you…unless you disagree with our agenda.” “Do anything…unless it doesn’t line up with our opinions.”

I believe in equality and that everyone should have a voice and use that voice to shout from the roof tops about their passions. However, my voice is not heard. My voice is not represented. I do not feel valued.

So, Farewell American Eagle. It’s been fun, but, there are other (better made) clothes out there. Perhaps not cheaper but, I’d rather spend a few extra dollars, than line the pockets of an organization that I can no longer support.

Be YOU, stand up for what YOU believe in, and don’t ever let anyone shut up your voice just because it does not align with their preconceived value set. When you shout for equality, mean, all people are equal. When you demand inclusivity, don’t shut out a whole set of people.

What is equality to you? Give that a good long thought and you might join me in saying goodbye to American Eagle.

***Side note, I will not always be perfect at choosing only brands that represent me. However, American Eagle outwardly promotes a hypocritical mindset- they’re shouting for equality and then not providing equal coverage. I have never stopped shopping somewhere because of their political affiliations before because I believe it is nearly impossible to live that way. There will still be an occasional old item from AEO that is a part of my closet of old. But, my experience with AEO left a horrible taste in my mouth and a dart in my conscience and that is why I decided to walk away from them. I’m still a work in progress so I will continue to follow my conscience as I promote brands I love.***


  1. Without a doubt your best post- and I am with you. You can’t beg for equal rights while taking rights away from someone else!

    1. Thank you! It is a little head scratching how they get there from here! Please go ahead and email or call so you, too, can receive their form response ?

  2. God bless all those who take action against injustice. The women’s march wasn’t a celebration of women, it was a celebration of abortion, not to mention a celebration of foul-mouthed celebrities. No one will ever use the term “ladies” in the same sentence with those embarrassing women.

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