If you’ve been following me for a while you know that unique, all natural, and safe are my must haves when I’m picking out baby toys. Who doesn’t worry about what baby puts in his mouth? That’s why when I saw Mini Lolo Dragon teething toys on Instagram, I knew I needed one for baby HeyJ. It checks all the boxes and to top it off it’s environmentally friendly too. What more can you ask for? 

Let’s get to know Mini Lolo and hear just a little about why this small business should be on your radar. 

Here’s who: a small, mom run company based out of Australia. Lola created the teething, bath toy after her daughter was born and she started worrying about bpa and other chemicals in the plastic toys her baby was given. 


***No giraffes were harmed during this photo shoot. Several dragons were heavily gnawed on but seem to have survived the encounter without battle scars.***

Here’s what: for now, Mini Lolo is a one dragon company. They exclusively sell the small dragon teething toy made from 100% natural rubber. They don’t have any holes to grow mold (unlike a popular giraffe we all know) and there’s no high pitched squeak or any noise at all. They are colorful (they come in every color of the rainbow from a light rose to a deep violet), soft, and perfect for a teething baby without any of the worry. 

Here’s why: Mini Lolo gives 3% of all sales to The Ocean Clean Up. They’re environmentally safe and eco friendly. 

Now, that you’ve heard all about Mini Lolo, give up the traditionally made (read: not so safe) teething toys and give a dragon a shot. 


 ***And we have a winner: it’s Mini Lolo dragon by a landslide ❤️***
Coming soon to Mini Lolo: a heretofore unnamed Platypus and Echidna. Check out their Facebook page for your shot at naming and winning the newest safe Mini Lolo toys.