Hers: Jacket: c/o Tribal Fashion; Dress: Free People (bought on sale last season); Booties: c/o Roan Footwear

His: Boots: c/o Roan Footwear; Watch: c/o Original Grain

I’m not going to say I’m an expert on relationships or anything but I have been married for a few coughelevencough years so I’ve picked up a thing or two. Of course, as I sat down to write this article my husband and I immediately started bickering over pretty much nothing. By the way, he says he’s learned a thing or two too but I told him I don’t want to hear them, which brings me to my first point.

1.Communicate. This one is big and it encompasses everything from how he makes you feel to dividing the chores. If he leaves the spoon next to the coffee maker everyday and you never tell him it annoys you, can you really be mad when you put it in the dishwasher? True story. Sometimes the solution is as simple as buying disposable coffee stirrers and sometimes it’s about learning to adjust your expectations. Either way, talking things out is good. If you’re going to live with this person for the rest of your life, you better be able to tell him you prefer the toothpaste sit to the right of your toothbrush (though, I highly suggest separate tubes).

2.Never stop learning about each other. It always surprises me when I learn something new about my husband. You’d think after a certain number of years there would be nothing left. I’ve found as we age, we forget and we evolve. So, that story, you may think you know like the back of your hand, may be worth giving just one more listen and that question you think you can answer yourself just might have a new answer.

3.Argue. Yeah, you read that right. Now, I’m not saying you should have knock down drag out fights (please don’t, that doesn’t sound fun or healthy). What I am saying is that you shouldn’t be afraid to argue. Admit you’re wrong or accept his apology. And, make up. It’s a normal part of any close relationship to have disagreements. Seeing the potential for learning is much more important than never arguing at all.

And, this may sound silly but sometimes one of the things we do is choose outfits for each other for date night. This may not be for everyone so feel free to find your own bonding activity. However, when we said we were going to go out for this Roan couples shoot, I yelled out the the shower for him to wear a grey tee. I wasn’t too surprised when I poked my head out and saw him already wearing one. We may not always see eye to eye but at least we both enjoy good footwear. Roan has that covered with a dash of the unexpected thrown in for good measure.

We were trying to get the leaves in mid air- they all just landed on my head…You win some you lose some.

Maybe I’m not qualified to tell anyone how to have the perfect relationship. If you find the person who has it all figured out, please send them my way. But, I’m willing to work at it and that just might be the number one way to fall in love all over again.


  1. You guys are so cute! I agree with all of those points. Communication is key. I read somewhere that on date nights you should ask questions like :if you could be anything right now, what would you be? or if you won the lottery and didn’t have to be practical, what would you buy? It goes along the lines of learning new things about your partner. And yes please, if you find the person who knows how to make it all work perfectly, send me their name too! haha

  2. I may be biased but this girl is a pretty incredible writer! It’s always good when youre fortunate enough to marry someone with such a beautiful mind! It also helps when theyre as HOT as she is as well! 🙂

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